2 November 2004

Latest Presidential Election Returns by State

Follow along at home on your personal computing machine. Mouseover each state and see the tallies that include Congress and Senate races.

Follow Arizona election results here.



With President Bush's convincing victory in the electoral college and his overwhelming majority win of the popular vote, that should have finally silenced the left's sour grapes over the 2000 election. You know, all that business about Bush stealing the election, and being "selected, not elected" and other such nonsense. But this year, with the Poodle conceding on November 3 and very few lawsuits filed, that should have erased all doubt, right?

Wrong. Believe it or not, the Bigfoot/UFO/Michael Moore wing of the Democratic Party has been buzzing on the Internet about how President Bush "stole" the election of 2004. With George Bush's victory so convincing, what possible leg could they have to stand on?

They're complaining that George Bush won some heavily Democratic counties in Florida. Do they have any proof of fraud? Nope. They're saying that there's no way a county with Democratic registrations as high as 70% could have gone to Bush. The only problem with that theory is that it has happened before. Ronald Reagan won that same support, as did Bush's father in 1988. So there's really no surprise there.

A few Congressional Democrats have written the General Accounting Office asking for an investigation. George Bush won the election fair and square, but just as in 2000, the left can't stand the result, so they'll question the process.

After all, no one in their right mind would vote for George W. Bush, would they?